At the close of every year I like to do a short wrap-up post of the year in racing. This year will be extra short as we have company coming over and I have a little more baking to do!
My Favorite Race: Hands down- the Little Rock Marathon.
Most Fun New Distance: I had never run for time so the 1 Hour Track Run in January was very different. I love track running so it was a fun combination.
Most Scenic Race: Definitely the San Francisco Marathon. Best way to tour the city!
Most Challenging Course: I’d have to go with the San Francisco Marathon on this one too.
Most Surprising Race: The Chase Race 2 miler far exceeded any expectation I could have ever had. This was 6 days after Little Rock Marathon and I went into the race thinking I could possibly have to walk and I ended up breaking a 19 year-old personal record.
Most I Was Tempted to DNF: The Hogeye Marathon in April was a struggle. It was a month after the Little Rock Marathon and I wasn’t physically or mentally ready for this course at all. My hip started hurting before the half point and things went from bad to worse.
Most Well Executed Race: This would be a tie. The Caring for Kidneys 5k (Oct.) was a strong negative split race and I felt great. I wish I felt like that every time I raced! The other one that was raced well was the Breakaway 10k . I was prepared and everything came together in just the right way on race day.
Worst Executed Race: This would probably be the Minuteman Cross Country 5k. It’s been a while since my cross country days and I was not prepared for the terrain or this style of running at all. Positive split like a champ and I was so glad it was only a 5k! This race is on the GP schedule next year so hopefully I’ll be a little more mentally prepared.
Most Fun I Had While Racing: The CASA Half this year was supposed to be a training run so I went into it very relaxed and ended up feeling great. I honestly enjoyed all 13.1 miles and it never felt like a race. I’d also have to add in the Arkansas 20k. Tough course in hot weather but I had such a better experience this year than ever before.
Toughest Race: This would have to be my last race of the year- the 3 Bridges Marathon. The weather and a recent illness made this race extremely challenging for me but I’m proud I didn’t completely let go the way I did in Hogeye.
Number of Races: 29. This is actually down a few from last year so I’m doing a little better!
Number of Race Wins: 25.
Number of Marathons: 4 total with 3:00:23 being best marathon time this year.
Number of Half Marathons: 3 total with 1:25:31 being best hm time this year.
Most raced distance? As usual, the 5k which is my favorite distance to race. (Ran 7 this year with the best being 18:16.)
Number of PR’s: 5 personal records this year (and not in my usual distances): 2 mile, 8K, 10K, 15K, & 20K
Total Number of Miles Run in 2016: 2,722
2016 was probably the best running year I’ve had. (2013 is a close second.) I’m thankful for good health, a great coach, my friends in the running community, and my family. I could never do this without them.